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dental implant supported denturesImplant Supported Dentures

Denture Stabilization

If your dentures are uncomfortable or loose and denture adhesive is a nuisance, you may be a candidate for an implant supported denture.

How Implant Supported Dentures work:

An implant supported denture is removable for cleaning, similar to your current dentures. The difference, however, is that your new denture is fitted with special fittings that "snap" onto dental implants that have been strategically placed by Dr. Hooper for support.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that function as a foundation for a dental prosthesis, such as a crown or bridge. They also serve as anchors to hold a removable partial denture or complete denture firmly in place, thus eliminating the need for denture adhesives.

Dental Implants give denture wearers new reasons to smile.

An implant supported denture can help you enjoy eating, laughing and smiling again with confidence. A snug fit also helps prevent "sore spots" on the gums that typically occur with rubbing dentures in need of adjustment.

Not only do dental implants help improve denture stability, these patients are more likely to retain bone support and maintain their long-term ability to wear their dentures.

Get your smile back! Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hooper and learn more about the benefits of implant supported dentures.